Luxury Bathroom
Artisanal know-how and technological innovation to meet the needs of every customer
Prime is able to oer the care and uniqueness of craft know-how with the reliability and precision of a high-tech industrial product.
Essenze /
Different coatings for very thick doors. Nice from the outside and strong inside.

Ebano Emara

Rovere Termotrattato

Eucalipto Affumicato

Rovere a Spacco

Rovere Nodoso

Rovere Naturale

Rovere Segacciato

Noce Canaletto

Noce Bicolore

Laccato Tortora

Laccato Verde Salvia

Acciaio Ossidato



Laccato Effetto Cemento

Laccato Peltro
Finiture Speciali /
Special Finishes
The door panels are treated with certified materials and workmanship, and
wear-tested to make them long lasting.

Custom-made bathroom from conception to realisation
Prime builds bespoke bathrooms. Every bathroom is unique and special, because every customer’s requirements are unique and special. And to every customer’s requirements, Prime builds a product with all the care and value of a tailored garment. Prime has moved beyond the concept of mass production. The Prime manufacturing process combines skilled hand workmanship and technological innovation to deliver exclusive levels of customisation in every aspect of the product and every phase of its realisation.